One point perspective.

This student is busy painting beautiful clouds as part of her image for the STUDY: Perspective (One Point) lesson of our Curriculum.

IMG_3363 (1).jpg


Horizon line: a horizontal line that separates the ground from the sky also treated as the viewer/artist's eye level

Vanishing point: a theoretical point in the distance towards which receding parallel lines diminish

Othogonal lines: straight diagonal lines drawn to connect points around the edges of a picture to the vanishing point.  

STUDY: Shape

GOAL: Learn the difference between geometric and organic shapes.  Think about what each shape has to say.  Use them in a composition to abstractly represent a place.

The student who created the image below used the beach as her inspiration.

Helena, age 10

Helena, age 10


Shape:  a flat area defined by its edges or an outline

Geometric: shapes that have names and can be constructed with a compass and/or ruler

Organic: shapes found in nature, non regular

Composition: the way in which something is put together or arranged

Read more about our Curriculum below.