distance learning

Invite your friends to join the art/work/place family!

Let’s Meet Online!

We love what we do at art/work/place.  The community that we have built out of our students, parents, and art/work/place team members is the thing we miss most about being in the studio.  Connecting with our students online and enjoying their beautiful art, watching them laugh with their classmates, and feeling like we are part of the art/work/place family again has been wonderful.

If you know someone who would like to join us for online lessons, please tell them about us!  We love to have our community grow with new students and families!  

New and beautiful art from our students!

Sophie, age 13.

Sophie, age 13.

Camille, age 9.

Camille, age 9.

Rosalyn, age 7.

Rosalyn, age 7.

We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time.  We miss everyone and hope to see you all again soon!

Until we meet again...join us online!

We can't wait to see you again!

Until we are able to open our doors to our students again, we have transitioned to online lessons and we couldn't be happier!Although some things have changed, one thing that hasn't is the amazing art and wonderful experience that is art/work/place.  High-quality instruction, fun teachers and beautiful artwork remain.  

Wayne Thiebaud Master Copy

Wayne Thiebaud provided the inspiration for this recent project done by our Youth Lesson Two class, which is taught by Miss Gianina.  Different techniques of blending and how to make color pop are taught through Wayne Thiebaud's vision.

Lucia, age 9

Lucia, age 9

Twyla, age 13

Twyla, age 13

Phoebe, age 16

Phoebe, age 16

Meet Miss Gianina!

Gianina Nunez.jpeg

Gianina Nunez received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting at Cal State Long Beach. Gianina has had a passion for art ever since she was a child. Her warm, kind and patient teaching style paired with her knowledge of various art mediums enable her to excel in her teaching. She specializes in figure drawing, painting, and mixed media. Gianina’s passion is sharing her talents with her students and helping them succeed in their artwork.

Join us for online lessons!

With so many class times to choose from, you can be sure to find one that is just right for you.